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help for understand very long time games

help wanted

while fxz is still about 2 time faster than 7z when use default, and mem used is much smaller my test command line ``` C:\Users\aaa\Downloads\7z>..\timer64 7z a dzm7.txt.7z ..\fxz\dzm7.txt 7-Zip...

### Description I want to write sql to impl the exmaple on the mainpage. ``` >>> import polars as pl >>> df = pl.DataFrame( ... { ... "A": [1, 2,...


### Checks - [X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. - [X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the [latest version](https://pypi.org/project/polars/) of Polars. ###...


### Current Behavior tesseract CLI ``` D:\>tesseract 7.jpg stdout -l chi_sim Estimating resolution as 315 ���联社电报 >> import pytesseract >>> text = pytesseract.image_to_string('7.jpg', lang="chi_sim");print(text) 财联社电报

### Is your feature request related to a problem or challenge? as https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/discussions/9315 mentioned, `generate_series` is alias of `range`, it's result does not include the upper bound. it results the...


### Is your feature request related to a problem or challenge? the 'unnest' table function reads an array or list, and out put a table ### Describe the solution you'd...


### Describe the bug https://arrow.apache.org/datafusion/user-guide/cli.html the CLI cannot run ``` datafusion-cli -bash: datafusion-cli: command not found ``` ### To Reproduce pip install datafusion datafusion-cli ### Expected behavior the CLI runs...


``` # -*- coding:gbk -*- # import itertools cards=[[i,j,k,l] for i in range(1,11) for j in range(i,11)for k in range(j,11)for l in range(k,11)] def twentyfour(cards): '''史上最短计算24点代码''' for nums in itertools.permutations(cards):...

### What happens? a sql run on duckdb web version took 9 sec. the same sql run on duckdb CLI took 2 sec. ### To Reproduce open the edge and...