
Results 74 issues of l1t1

the speed of move increased 1/4

https://m.ithome.com/html/437441.htm to see if it is faster than gcc version on huawei phone

it seems better than elfv2 https://github.com/leela-zero/leela-zero/issues/2431

https://github.com/hzyhhzy/leela-zero-9/releases https://github.com/leela-zero/leela-zero/issues/2240

i installed it from http://aqgo.ezandroid.cn/AQGO_2.3.0_Github_2018-12-26.apk

now, in version 2.2.5 ,it shows https://github.com/uestccokey/ which is not very useful for aqgo user

``` D:\python312>python Python path configuration: PYTHONHOME = 'D:\python312' PYTHONPATH = (not set) program name = 'python.exe' isolated = 1 environment = 0 user site = 1 safe_path = 1 import...

``` D:\>cd dolph* D:\DolphinDB>dolphindb 'dolphindb' 不不是是内内部部或或外外部部命命令令,,也也不不是是可可运运行行的的程程序序 或或批批处处理理文文件件。。 D:\DolphinDB>server\dolphindb DolphinDB Systems 64 bit Copyright (c) 2011~2023 DolphinDB, Inc. Licensed to Trial Users. Expires on 2042.01.01 (Build:2023.09.27) >exit >exit; Syntax Error:...

I first open a.txt then open a2.txt, notice the original a.txt became a2.txt then open a3.txt, notice the origanl a1.txt and a2.txt became a2.txt and a3.txt after clicked on each...

http://foxwq.com/qipu/search.html?title=%E7%AB%A0%E9%B1%BC%E5%9B%B4%E6%A3%8B did you use same hardware and config on above matchs ?