This relates to #122 - external framework support and non-pure-java would be better as plugins (ideally including IntelliJ @NotNull support)
Some reasoning on the names: - `FeatureFlagGroup` is tricky. In strings and mojmap, it's a "universe", but this is a non-descriptive name that has already caused confusion in conversations. Since...
What about `WebMultiSelector`? It could allow for a component to be added at the start of the dropdown, and a component to be added to the end, to make things...
or perhaps replacing e.g. `@` with `$at$`? it'd be verbose, but unique assuming the source doesn't contain dollar signs; and those can be expanded to `$$` or similar anyways
you can do the same thing for other invalid tokens, e.g. `$backtick$`, `$hash$`... hence the "e.g."
if you're trying to make a long method name, there's nothing stopping your from writing a long method name. underscoring characters is even worse given malicious input, since they could...
Attempting to use the GolemMaterial present in the API on the Thaumcraft thread causes the "items required to craft" having null item and damage values and crashing if you do...
Isn't the mirrored amulet the one that keeps your inventory? How about it be crafted via infusion? A mundane amulet in the center, surrounded by two mirrored glass and a...
Oh, because I've also been making a Mirrored Amulet. Seems like something useful then.