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Possible Suggestion- Thaumic Horizons (And A Little More)

Open Azanor opened this issue 6 years ago • 12 comments

From @CTH999 on March 6, 2018 22:19

The Best Thaumcraft Addon, Thaumic Horizons.

There are some features in it that would be nice, I just don't know what you think.

  1. Mob-Infusion, and it's offshoot, Self-Infusion
  2. Reincarnation, and the Mirred-Amulet
  3. Essentia-Potions
  4. Silverwood and Greatwood, Thaumium, and maybe void metal boats
  5. Wand Effects: Liquifaction, Illumination, Disintegration, And, Animation And, Maybe A Slow One I See Slow making it more powerful, but take longer. (I.E. It would take a while before a Slow, Plan, Break Starts breaking. This could be used tactically. and as a potency that uses less VIS!

However, these are just ideas. It's your mod, so you decide what to do :)


Copied from original issue: Azanor/thaumcraft-beta#394

Azanor avatar Mar 27 '18 06:03 Azanor

From @WindBlades on March 11, 2018 13:36

I'm just developing an addon for some time that will bring back old mechanical abandoned addon like thaumic horizon ^ ^ (of course it will be rework and slightly change)

Azanor avatar Mar 27 '18 06:03 Azanor

From @CTH999 on March 11, 2018 16:5

OK, Can't wait :) I do hope some things will be implemented, but, well, an addon will be nice too!


Azanor avatar Mar 27 '18 06:03 Azanor

Isn't the mirrored amulet the one that keeps your inventory? How about it be crafted via infusion?

A mundane amulet in the center, surrounded by two mirrored glass and a chest, with 50 Mortuus and 50 Vacuos essentia.

l-Luna avatar Mar 27 '18 11:03 l-Luna

I have already finish to code the mirrored stuff a while ago, but anyway it's was arleady crafted via a infusion

WindBlades avatar Mar 28 '18 19:03 WindBlades

Alright! Can't wait to see what happens!

CTH999 avatar Mar 28 '18 22:03 CTH999

Oh, because I've also been making a Mirrored Amulet. Seems like something useful then.

l-Luna avatar Mar 30 '18 11:03 l-Luna

Could also work well with This And This

CTH999 avatar Apr 04 '18 21:04 CTH999

Also, something similar to the Workbench Charger for the focal manipulator would be quite nice!

Just saying!

CTH999 avatar Apr 04 '18 22:04 CTH999

Hm. I guess I can repost some ancient suggestions I had for Thaumic Horizons Back In The Day™

  • Demolition Chicken: eggs explode (eggsplode?) when thrown

  • Riding Rooster. Just because. I think there was a fairytale with a hedgehog riding a rooster once. It could be good at jumping and take no fall damage, but have less HP than a horse.

  • Sheep variants: -- Straight-wooled sheep: drops strings instead of wool when being sheared -- A sheep which grows leaves instead of wool. When sheared, it drops leaf blocks and apples -- Another one which grows wheat. Has a haybale-like texture when not sheared, on shearing drops wheat, but no seeds. Maybe use the leaf sheep as a base, then infuse it to create several forms of crop-growing sheep on top of that. -- Steelwool-sheep: if a mod which adds steel is detected, this sheep can be sheared for a block of steel wool, which can be smelted into a steel ingot. should definitely degrade shears faster, if possible. If no steel exists, just make it create iron.

  • Ender-Mule: cannot be ridden, but can carry items. Can be made to "mark" a specific location, and then to teleport to it. Basically, it follows you, you load it full of stuff, and then send it back to your base.

  • Infernal Cow: a cow which can be milked for lava. Might get aggressive and start spitting fireballs if milked too often.

praecipitator avatar Jun 01 '18 15:06 praecipitator

Of course I am open to any criticism or suggestion as long as it is constructive and interesting (not too op) ^^ i already rework some of ancient mobs but i still need someone to do 3d models as well as textures (if I take so much time, it's especially because of my exams that happens soon, but the alpha should arrive in less than 1-2 months) I'm also looking a builder for very basic stuff (not much, but must be in the thaumcraft style).

WindBlades avatar Jun 01 '18 17:06 WindBlades

I want to try to revive this addon and I have aldready done the lenses. But the most problem is that this mod has license "All Rights Reserved", So I can't put it on CurseForge... But, I'll try to get help from moderators who oversee that site :)

TimeConqueror avatar Jul 28 '18 17:07 TimeConqueror

I revived some of this, with my own spin. NOT all of it, and it is also NOT a port.

Frontrider avatar Sep 26 '18 17:09 Frontrider