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Possible Suggestion- Thaumic Horizons (And A Little More)
From @CTH999 on March 6, 2018 22:19
The Best Thaumcraft Addon, Thaumic Horizons.
There are some features in it that would be nice, I just don't know what you think.
- Mob-Infusion, and it's offshoot, Self-Infusion
- Reincarnation, and the Mirred-Amulet
- Essentia-Potions
- Silverwood and Greatwood, Thaumium, and maybe void metal boats
- Wand Effects: Liquifaction, Illumination, Disintegration, And, Animation And, Maybe A Slow One I See Slow making it more powerful, but take longer. (I.E. It would take a while before a Slow, Plan, Break Starts breaking. This could be used tactically. and as a potency that uses less VIS!
However, these are just ideas. It's your mod, so you decide what to do :)
Copied from original issue: Azanor/thaumcraft-beta#394
From @WindBlades on March 11, 2018 13:36
I'm just developing an addon for some time that will bring back old mechanical abandoned addon like thaumic horizon ^ ^ (of course it will be rework and slightly change)
From @CTH999 on March 11, 2018 16:5
OK, Can't wait :) I do hope some things will be implemented, but, well, an addon will be nice too!
Isn't the mirrored amulet the one that keeps your inventory? How about it be crafted via infusion?
A mundane amulet in the center, surrounded by two mirrored glass and a chest, with 50 Mortuus and 50 Vacuos essentia.
I have already finish to code the mirrored stuff a while ago, but anyway it's was arleady crafted via a infusion
Alright! Can't wait to see what happens!
Oh, because I've also been making a Mirrored Amulet. Seems like something useful then.
Also, something similar to the Workbench Charger for the focal manipulator would be quite nice!
Just saying!
Hm. I guess I can repost some ancient suggestions I had for Thaumic Horizons Back In The Day™
Demolition Chicken: eggs explode (eggsplode?) when thrown
Riding Rooster. Just because. I think there was a fairytale with a hedgehog riding a rooster once. It could be good at jumping and take no fall damage, but have less HP than a horse.
Sheep variants: -- Straight-wooled sheep: drops strings instead of wool when being sheared -- A sheep which grows leaves instead of wool. When sheared, it drops leaf blocks and apples -- Another one which grows wheat. Has a haybale-like texture when not sheared, on shearing drops wheat, but no seeds. Maybe use the leaf sheep as a base, then infuse it to create several forms of crop-growing sheep on top of that. -- Steelwool-sheep: if a mod which adds steel is detected, this sheep can be sheared for a block of steel wool, which can be smelted into a steel ingot. should definitely degrade shears faster, if possible. If no steel exists, just make it create iron.
Ender-Mule: cannot be ridden, but can carry items. Can be made to "mark" a specific location, and then to teleport to it. Basically, it follows you, you load it full of stuff, and then send it back to your base.
Infernal Cow: a cow which can be milked for lava. Might get aggressive and start spitting fireballs if milked too often.
Of course I am open to any criticism or suggestion as long as it is constructive and interesting (not too op) ^^ i already rework some of ancient mobs but i still need someone to do 3d models as well as textures (if I take so much time, it's especially because of my exams that happens soon, but the alpha should arrive in less than 1-2 months) I'm also looking a builder for very basic stuff (not much, but must be in the thaumcraft style).
I want to try to revive this addon and I have aldready done the lenses. But the most problem is that this mod has license "All Rights Reserved", So I can't put it on CurseForge... But, I'll try to get help from moderators who oversee that site :)
I revived some of this, with my own spin. NOT all of it, and it is also NOT a port.