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AQUAS TF and histone ChIP-seq pipeline

Results 8 chipseq_pipeline issues
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Bumps [numpy]( from 1.11.3 to 1.22.0. Release notes Sourced from numpy's releases. v1.22.0 NumPy 1.22.0 Release Notes NumPy 1.22.0 is a big release featuring the work of 153 contributors spread...


Got an error at the JSD step. I used nth=1 (I tried with more but they somehow did not work either, or said "not enough resources"), and on a server...

Hello, There is an issue downloading hg19 genome data. Stuck at "HTTP request sent, awaiting response..." hg38 can be downloaded. Can you please solve? Thanks!

Hi Jin, I have 2 tested files ran successfully, the command I used is as below. N2 results look weird as shown in washU browser. I guess my command is...

Hello, Is it correct to run the pipeline after trimming adaptors in paired-end data-sets? I get different read lengths. Raquel

Hi, I have ChIP-seq data for one patient and one normal person as well as input for both of them (they run at different batch and each batch has a...

hi, I run phantompeakqual on my duplicates removed bam files and got an error shown in the title. later, I re-run the same command but on bam files before `samtools...

The bedgraph to BigWig conversion step throws an error on my system for all my files: `(...) is not case-sensitive sorted at line 1879. Please use "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n" with...