
Results 163 comments of kumavis

react-native compat exploration https://github.com/EtDu/rnSES

> kumavis I heard you may have looked into this before but haven't found any open issues. I've encounter the transpiling issue a few times (via babel). I do think...

@erights would the "override mistake" **workaround** be part of the SES standard? or would this issue be present and only fixable by library authors?

@michaelfig I need to update this list, many can be removed now

( pardon the branch name :skull: )

i am so excited for this work to land :tada:

:+1: do want also transitioning from beefy with multiple bundles

works fine locally with no browserify flags/transforms, i only had one file so i thought i might throw it into requirebin and see what happens

we could always just validate the hash and have the front-end validate the abi... since storing junk in there comes at cost to the attacker > Otherwise it's trivial to...

worth noting that the validation code may need to alter as solidity evolves