Piotr Krzemiński

Results 112 issues of Piotr Krzemiński

See https://github.com/zeit/hyper/issues/2648 first. In general, plugins put on the Awesome Hyper list should be mature and stable. But some of them are pretty young and still deserve the community's attention....

Hi @anmol098! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action has first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...


Reformatting with ktlint together with some Gradle settings (see the below commit) caused this: #382. For now I reverted the Gradle settings, at the cost of worse performance. We could...


Currently the library contains logic for serializing to YAML in multiple places. Besides mixing layers (business logic vs serialization), this is error-prone because e.g. fixing an issue in one place...


Best if it's done automatically or semi-automatically. For example, I thought of getting a schema of what the workflow YAML can contain (here's one maintained by the community: https://github.com/SchemaStore/schemastore/blob/master/src/schemas/json/github-workflow.json) and...


See #206 - wrappers check failed because in the meantime, some action unrelated to this PR got a new input. As the number of supported actions grows, such unrelated failures...


See #218 - this task is about covering this feature in the script generator. FYI @jmfayard (no rush from my side, just letting you know)
