Piotr Krzemiński

Results 112 issues of Piotr Krzemiński

Apart from optimizing the physics calculations, try not to check for disabling gravity mode for each frame.


Allow configuring things like: - hotkey - physics debug mode enabled See how it's implemented: https://github.com/rickgbw/hyperterm-overlay/blob/master/overlay.js#L121


Hi @Borales! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action has first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...

Hi @appleboy! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your actions have first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...

With Kotlin's compiler, it's possible to have stand-alone scripts that can fetch Maven dependencies. As an example, see [this script](https://github.com/krzema12/kotlin-python/blob/python-backend/.github/workflows/build_and_test.main.kts): ```kotlin #!/usr/bin/env kotlin @file:DependsOn("it.krzeminski:github-actions-kotlin-dsl:0.10.0") ``` The string inside `DependsOn` is...

T: feature-request
L: java:gradle
L: java:maven
🍏 core

Hi @AkhileshNS! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action has first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...

Hi, FYI, on https://kotlinlang.org/user-groups/user-group-list.html we've now got a map of KUGs, and they are also fetched through API: https://kotlinlang.org/data/user-groups.json. awesome-kotlin maintains these files: * https://github.com/KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin/blob/a26de6e523829ac6f5851af7a62fb1129660ae04/src/main/resources/links/UserGroups.awesome.kts * https://github.com/KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin/blob/a26de6e523829ac6f5851af7a62fb1129660ae04/src/main/kotlin/link/kotlin/scripts/import/user-group-list.md I recommend first...

Hi @bahmutov! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action has first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...

Hi there, I'm the maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl/ library and our automatic update detection mechanism helped me realize there's something wrong with your versioning. In general, major version tags like `v1`...