Piotr Krzemiński

Results 112 issues of Piotr Krzemiński

Hi @actions-rs! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your actions have first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...


Hi @10up! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action has first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...


Hi Team! I'm using the library to integrate with my company's internal SSO. Due to some historical reasons, the service responds to userinfo endpoint with `content-type: text/plain` when requested with...


Hi AWS! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your actions have first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...


Hi, I have a following use case. Imagine a steering wheel in a car: it rotates, and it can have its extreme left angle and extreme right angle. I want...


Hi @8398a7! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action has first-class support in the library. Recently we've come up with a way to reduce operational load when keeping library's action wrappers...

Hi Team! I'm aware of #106 but I think it was closed prematurely. For me, the lack of gutter icons and in fact any IDE integration is a major pain...

Hi @axel-op! Maintainer of https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl here. Your action havs first-class support in the library. In short, the library provides a Kotlin type-safe API to create GitHub workflows. Recently we've come...


**What feature do you need?** https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-jobs/defining-outputs-for-jobs **Do you have an example usage?** See above. **Is there a workaround for not having this feature? If yes, please describe it.** It's possible...


See https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl/actions/workflows/Integration%20tests%20-%20type-safe%20expressions.yaml ``` The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/Integration tests - type-safe expressions.yaml (Line: 26, Col: 14): Unexpected symbol: '$GREETING'. Located at position 1 within expression: $GREETING ``` There wasn't...
