
Results 104 comments of krlvm

Thanks a lot for the update on this, there's a chance you are affected by #82 - on some devices version 2.0 does not work. To clarify if this is...

You are correct about UAC. Regards progress bars, check EDIT: did not saw you are already using this registry tweak

Unfortunately I can't find a way to modify font color in memory, so I left those text and its glyphs in blue, although I do not exclude that it is...

Thanks for the suggestsions, I will consider implementing the first one. It is already should open the application on click, but this unfortunately does not work with browsers, because it...

Hello, I used ModernFlyouts and developed this project half a year ago when I needed a button on the taskbar that I could double-click to pause or resume playing media,...

Nothing wrong with it. It uses hardcoded colors for separators & item highlight to guarantee proper look with needed opacity. You can use TranslucentFlyouts, which fully respects theme bitmaps. I'll...

I can't be against it, but it's actually not as easy as you think, because if I'm not mistaken there are problems with transparency and ImmersiveMenu bitmaps

Thank you, I'll check it later this month

Попробуйте отключить модуль обхода блокировок (LibertyTunnel) совсем, хотя проблема скорее всего с самим прокси-сервером (LittleProxy).