
Results 104 comments of krlvm

This is a problem with DNS resolving, do you have DNS override (custom DNS provider) enabled?

You may try disabling DNS settings in PowerTunnel and enabling it only in Chrome (`chrome://settings/security`) to see does it help you.

Most likely it is related to the [bug]( in dnsjava, it should be [fixed]( now, but unfortunately they have not released a new version. I've never experienced this on Windows...

Unfortunately, we can only wait for the dnsjava update with the patch, or this is some kind of problem not related to it.

A new version of dnsjava has released with a fix, try this build: [](

Oh, didn't notice [](

Try version [2.0-rc3](

Which app version you are using? If you're using a pre-release version of 2.0, please, attach the logs. To enable logging, enable option from the bottom of the Settings page,...

Give a try to [beta version of 2.0](, it has overhauled DNS stack and introduces some new options.

The log seems to be incomplete, can you try again? Did you also check Which Android version you use?