
Results 104 comments of krlvm

The blacklist in the old versions that you showed is not needed to unlock something, but on the contrary, to block something. Shutdown PowerTunnel server, clear the blacklist, uncheck this...

Apparently they still use SNI filtering, though I can't confirm this as I don't have anywhere to test it. The last thing worth trying is switching to Erase SNI mode.

Sorry, forget to document this. Put `*` into this box. You may also need to add Xbox domains, e.g. `*;*` ![image](

Indeed, it does not even send a connection request - I don't remember it was behaving like that before, should've changed with recent Windows updates.

UPD: it worked right after I disabled LibertyTunnel plugin. Looks like they don't like fragmented packets. Try filling `government-blacklist.txt` configuration file to disable anti-DPI tricks for non-blocked websites.

UPD2: putting this into proxy settings helped me: `*;*;*;*`

Sorry, I apparently forgot to update that part of the documentation (again). Now you don't have to write `*.`, i.e. if you need to access ``, just write ``. I've...

> I also tried doing both these fixes at the same time ("" in the blacklist and the new proxy settings), still didn't work sadly. Will you be able to...

Should be related to base proxy implementation, I'll look into it. If you want to reduce the CPU usage and improve performance, you can configure proxy server exclusively in your...

Check app logs, you can temporary enable logging in options.