Oleksiy Kovyrin
Oleksiy Kovyrin
I understand that it's been a long time ago, but still wanted to check in to see what's up with this issue? We've hit this bug in a bit different...
Actually, now I'm not sure if our issue is related to this one. Here is our problem: ``` ruby irb(main):001:0> Addressable::URI.parse(PostRank::URI.unescape("http://foo.com/blah%ef%bc%9f")) => # irb(main):002:0> Addressable::URI.parse(PostRank::URI.unescape("http://foo.com/blah%ef%bc%9f")).normalize! => # ``` Normalize call...
We're experiencing the same problem on our application. I think it'd make sense to keep this GH issue open since the issue exists and has not been fixed yet (https://github.com/jruby/warbler/blob/master/lib/warbler/traits/war.rb#L185...
Pulled the following from `ostruct` to our `warble.rb` configuration file (added it at the top of the file): ```ruby class Warbler::Traits::War::WebxmlOpenStruct def new_ostruct_member(name) unless @table.key?(name) || is_method_protected!(name) getter_proc = Proc.new...
Oh, sorry for not providing more context here. The PR worked for us, but then, to make things cleaner and easier for us, I decided to move away from using...
Paging @headius for visibility
@caniszczyk Any chance you have some news to share regarding this issue (or, maybe, regarding Twitter's general plans for opensource Kestrel version)? Thanks for any information you could provide!
An example single-table VStream Copy: ```json { "events": [ { "type": "BEGIN", "keyspace": "commerce", "shard": "0" }, { "type": "FIELD", "fieldEvent": { "tableName": "commerce.customer", "fields": [ { "name": "customer_id", "type":...
Tested the changes in our vendored copy of Fishwife and it works as expected. Thank you for your help!