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Exloded war support
WIP exploded war support
Hey I had not noticed this PR... is it not valid anymore? I think the exploded war support would be great to get working!
Oh, sorry for not providing more context here. The PR worked for us, but then, to make things cleaner and easier for us, I decided to move away from using warbler's main class and pushed everything into pure jruby (basically, java -cp "$JRUBY_STDLIB:$JRUBY_JAR" org.jruby.Main -r rubygems -x"$ENT_SEARCH_WAR_ROOT" -S bin/enterprise-search-internal
and then configuring and booting up Jetty from within our custom ruby code), so the need in warbler support for exploded wars went away.
If this kind of support may be helpful, I'd be OK with someone taking my code (which is not too different from the existing main class) and running with it, but, unfortunately, I'm not sure I have the time to push this over the finish line and get it merged.
@kovyrin If you don't mind, I'll reopen this and pull in some other JRuby folks to discuss whether it's a useful feature to add. Thanks for the clarification!
@kares @mkristian @enebo @jkutner Is this something we want to pursue?
seems unfinished, would be nice if this was integrated with the existing (WarMain) "main" classes. we could leave it open as a draft or close, your call ...