Komal Rathi
Komal Rathi
I am using the [example](https://plot.ly/ggplot2/geom_bar/#reordering-bars-shown-using-geombar) from the plotly page to generate a bar plot. I am also using `plotly devel version 4.3.4`. Here is the code: ``` library(plotly) df
Before GDC made the recent changes, I was able to get GISTIC scores with values such as -1, 0 and +1 using `Gene Level Copy Number Scores`. Now with the...
Hi, I am trying to create a flowchart like this: ``` grViz(" digraph boxes_and_circles { # left 'node' statements node [shape = box, fontname = Helvetica, width = 2, penwidth...
**Brief description of the problem** I am trying to create a network plot using an `igraph` object and feeding it to `ggnetwork` but getting the following error: ``` Error in...
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way where I can get the results from `comp_hets`, `de_novo`, `autosomal_recessive` etc as a JSON object? I tried using `--format json` and...
Hi, We have 91 cram files that we need to run through the tumor-only pipeline. Should we run the baseline step with all the 91 files or randomly take a...
Hi, I am using RMongo to connect to MongoDB. ``` # this is how I connect using the mongo driver: mongo -u user -p pass --authenticationDatabase "admin" --port 27018 #...
Hi, I wanted to download all files within a particular `project > folder > sub-folders`. This is what I am doing: ``` # Get a project by its id p...
Hi, I have Arriba fusion caller results (run with Gencode v27 equivalent to Ensembl 90) and wanted to test the following `out-of-frame` fusion: #gene1 | gene2 | strand1(gene/fusion) | strand2(gene/fusion)...