DiagrammeR copied to clipboard
Variable values in DiagrammeR
I am trying to create a flowchart like this:
digraph boxes_and_circles {
# left 'node' statements
node [shape = box,
fontname = Helvetica,
width = 2,
penwidth = 2,
color = lightblue]
A1; P1; P2
# right node statements
node [shape = box,
fontname = Helvetica,
width = 2,
penwidth = 2,
color = steelblue]
A2; A3; P3; P4; P5; AP
# edge statements
P1->P2 P2->P3 P3->P4 P4->P5 P5->AP
# define ranks
subgraph {
rank = same; A2; P4
subgraph {
rank = same; A1; P2
This generates a graph like this:
However, instead of manually filling in the values in the boxes, I want to fill in values from a dataframe where the column names correspond to each of the boxes:
d <- read.table(text = "P1 P2 P3 A1 P4 P5 A2 AP A3
23 46 38 101 378 344 33 222 45", header = T)
I have gone as far as doing this:
node.df <- create_node_df(n = 9, shape = 'box', color = 'aqua',
type = c(rep('box',9)),
label = c('P1','P2','P3','P4','P5','AP','A1','A2','A3'),
tooltip = c('P1','P2','P3','P4','P5','AP','A1','A2','A3'),
penwidth = 2,
fontsize= 35,
face = 'bold',
width = 5)
edge.df <- create_edge_df(from = c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8),
to = c(2,3,4,5,6,8,9),
rel = 'leading_from')
render_graph(create_graph(nodes_df = node.df,
edges_df = edge.df))
But it creates something like this which is not even close to what I had before:
Can you please show me an example on how to reproduce the first diagram with variable values?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Do you have any tips on how to recreate the flowchart that OP wants with the functional approach? I am trying to create a similar graph as well. For my purpose, I miss the rank attribute from graphviz that enables horizontal alignment.