Konstantin Komelin

Results 18 issues of Konstantin Komelin

Currently page.tpl.php contains: ``` ``` It should be something like this: ``` ```


I've found a screenshot with a few errors like this one in the [article](https://www.tecmint.com/insecres-finds-insecure-resources-on-https-sites/): > Get //www.google.com: Unsupported protocol schema They checked https://www.google.com Schemaless URLs are considered valid URLs, so...

Re: https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/issues/691#issuecomment-1143548009 it may be a good step forward to join forces and merge the `isomorphic-dompurify` changes with the parent project [dompurify](https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify) Open to advice/ideas on how to better implement...

### Goal - Remove outdated PHP features and update the code. - Enable some useful options in the config by default. ### Roadmap - [ ] Process all open PRs....


Hi Richard, Thank you for the font. I like the icons very much but I'm not sure if I can use them on my web project. It would be great...

As a user, I'd like to be able to look at the default sort order which the package provides out of the box but the location of this setting is...

The project can't be build or start because the apps in the `apps` folder lack necessary dependencies, which are not installed on `yarn install` because of some missing package data....

### Description Providing a fix for #362 ### Type of Change - [ ] New Example - [x] Example updates (Bug fixes, new features, etc.) - [ ] Other (changes...

Because we don't want to publish assets and configuration of other packages.

It's 1.2.1 on NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery-autocomplete but should be 1.2.6.