Konstantin Komelin

Results 61 comments of Konstantin Komelin

Thanks for your detailed bug report @EnricoNapolitan. Since many people experience this issue, I will try to find a solution myself. Linking it here just for reference https://github.com/kkomelin/isomorphic-dompurify/pull/36

Hi @NicholasEllul, Thanks for the info. I'd like to try to add Canvas as an optional dependency too and see if it fixes the issue.

I've reproduced the bug locally. Will try to find a solution.

My hypothesis that adding `canvas` as an optional dependency to `isomporphic-dompurify` didn't work out. I'm thinking about adding `canvas` as a normal dependency. What do you think about it, @NicholasEllul?...

I've tried to add `canvas` as a normal dependency but it caused new errors on `npm run build`: ``` > next build info - Creating an optimized production build Failed...

Thanks @NicholasEllul . If adding `canvas` as an optional dependency to `isomporphic-dompurify` doesn't solve the problem and adding it as a normal dependency can potentially break things, I don't have...

Hi @danpottshimself , Thanks for reporting the issue. First of all, let's make sure that you don't have any dependency conflicts by removing `node_modules` folder and then installing all dependencies...

By the way, I reformatted the issue description a little bit.

I've just added [an additional automated test](https://github.com/kkomelin/isomorphic-dompurify/commit/eba1c03e964b618807d3d3e8106f6ddaf434de2f#diff-13876b4beb64b9f156474dc78f9c923952a7ca210d4507b6b3135bbe244f8a60R12) to cover your particular case and it [passed](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/kkomelin/isomorphic-dompurify/builds/240964776).