Kit Ham
Kit Ham
@whitequark Thank you! Worked a charm =)
When sequence is finished, or you've told the slam system to stop tracking, do final optimizations: ``` c++ slam_system->optimizeGraph(); slam_system->finalize(); ``` Then to read out the poses, you can do...
Ah yep, that's something that requires a bit of thinking about. I encourage you to sit down and do the maths yourself, but I'll give you the "punchline" to work...
Odd! As far as I can tell, the third-party-check error doesn't seem to have anything to do with my changes. I'll rebase and try again...
Yup, apologies for that. I have muscle memories from previous rebase workflows that were different 😅 Should be good now...
That option crossed my mind, but without stats on how folks are using it, I decided to err on the side of leaving the defaults. Happy to change the PR...
I'm getting the same error message as the OP on any playlist I try to transfer
And the same freezing problem after updating from the repo - when playlists reach around 2 thirds complete
=) Them private APIs... ><
Yup, sounds good to me. Hopefully be back within the week with a PR