
Results 11 issues of kirtsar

Given some data X, i want to create tree (KDTree, or Ball) ``` X = [1. 2; 3 4] @code_warntype KDTree(X) Body::KDTree{_1,Euclidean,_2} where _2 where _1 75 1 ─ %1...

Imagine you have a dataset X, then it is naturally to write something like: ``` KDTree(Matrix(X)') ``` It does not working right now. Instead, one should write two times: ```...

My use-case is: ``` x = :x int(log(x)/x, x, 0, 1) # works fine int(log(x)/(x - 1), x, 0, 1) # error ERROR: Reduce: *hold(limit)$$$$ at line 1 ***** Too...


Some errors with JSON and Compose: ``` julia> using Compose [ Info: Precompiling Compose [a81c6b42-2e10-5240-aca2-a61377ecd94b] ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: xparse not defined Stacktrace: [1] _float_from_bytes(::String, ::Int64, ::Int64) at /home/kir/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:331 [2]...

It would be nice for exploratory data analysis to have something like usual pairs() function in R. Currently there are no support for this thing. My version is somewhat...

It is not clear what can be done right now. Actually, I can't even build a permutation , and there is no hints how I can do it: ```julia x...


```julia x = @gap (1, 2)(3,4) # error x = GAP.EvalString("(1,2)(3,4)") # OK ```

I was wondering if there is an implementation of rings over Galois Fields F[x, y ...]? It seems that `SemialgebraicSets` are not supposed to use with custom fields other from...

Basically code is just a subspace of some vector space over some finite field F. ``` abstract type AbstractCode end struct GenericCode{T}


I've tried to implement something in the spirit on NTRU. In this cryptosystem we are interested in the rings of the form Zq[X]/(X^N - 1). 1. The first thing that...