GAP.jl copied to clipboard
More examples in README (at least) or documentation
It is not clear what can be done right now.
Actually, I can't even build a permutation , and there is no hints how I can do it:
x = GAP.julia_to_gap((1,2,3)(4,5)) # NO
x = GAP.Globals.Permutation([1,2,3]) # nope
x = GAP.Globals.Permutation((1,2,3)(4,5)) # no way
G = GAP.Globals.SymmetricGroup(3)
x = GAP.Globals.Random(G) # well ... sort of
Yes, documentation is TODO. In the meantime, looking at the tests gives some hints:
julia> @gap (1,2,3)
GAP: (1,2,3)
Or you can do:
julia> GAP.Globals.PermList(GAP.julia_to_gap([2,3,1]))
GAP: (1,2,3)
@ThomasBreuer can you look into this, and in particular work a bit on the documentation for GAP.jl? Looking at we really need at least a basic intro as to what the package is about (could be based on README? Although it needs to be improved there, too). And an example. And anything else you can think of... (If it helps, I could also sit down later and try to write an issue with a list of specific ideas on what we could/should do, but I figure you will have plenty idea on what could be done here on your own ;-)
Yes. (Part of what is needed can be taken from the JuliaInterface manual.)