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Pairplot with different colors for each group
It would be nice for exploratory data analysis to have something like usual pairs() function in R.
Currently there are no support for this thing. My version is somewhat ugly, but it does the job: Two elements are given - X is the Dataframe, y is the categorical variable
function pairplot(X, y)
colnames = String.(names(X))
classes = nlabel(y)
n = size(X)[2]
ylab = convertlabel(1 : classes, y)
plotter = Matrix{Any}(undef, n,n)
# with labels
plotter[1, 1] = histogram(X[:, 1],
ylabel = colnames[1],
title = colnames[1])
for j in 2 : n
Xi = X[:, 1]
Xj = X[:, j]
ylabel = colnames[j]
plotter[1, j] = scatter(Xi, Xj,
markercolor = ylab,
ylabel = ylabel)
plotter[j, 1] = plot(title = colnames[j])
# diagonal
for i in 2 : n
plotter[i, i] = histogram(X[:, i])
# upper diagonal
for i in 1 : n
for j in 2 : (i - 1)
Xi = X[:, i]
Xj = X[:, j]
plotter[i, j] = plot()
# lower diagonal
for i in 2 : n
for j in (i + 1) : n
Xi = X[:, i]
Xj = X[:, j]
plotter[i, j] = scatter(Xi, Xj,
markercolor = ylab)
legend = false)
For Iris dataset it looks like:
You can get something similar with @df iris corrplot(cols(1:4), group = :Species)
, but not the different colors for the groups:
That's because the colors already have a color, defined by the correlation coeffecient. That could possibly be changed, so you could pass a vector of colors to
. Would that be desirable?
You can get something similar with
@df iris corrplot(cols(1:4), group = :Species)
, but not the different colors for the groups:That's because the colors already have a color, defined by the correlation coeffecient. That could possibly be changed, so you could pass a vector of colors to
. Would that be desirable?
Using this macro I was able to do something like:
function pairplot(X, y)
classes = nlabel(y)
ylab = convertlabel(1 : classes, y)
ycol = distinguishable_colors(classes)[ylab]
@df data corrplot(cols(1:4), group = :Species, markercolor=ycol)
the result is:
the result is good, even though i don't know how to do "nice" pleasant colors
I think maybe it is a good idea to check whether the markercolor is specified; if yes (with categorical array) then pass some color vector to markercolor according to category?
In looking into scattermatrix-plots, I came across this. Friendly bump to say that I would like this feature ^_^