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A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal.

Results 625 WindTerm issues
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## Your project has been a real blessing to me, very free and well set up, very comfortable to use, hats off to you! But I have this problem in...

Hi ! It would be nice to have our preferences and sessions saved and synced automatically between platforms. I have a PC and a Mac and it would be awesome...


When I connect to VPS over SSH, this software log in to SHH for three times at the first time, and then it log in every 10 seconds. Why ????(by...

菜單欄空白無名,只顯示快捷鍵 見圖: ![2](


SSH 连接网络设备时,没有对应的密钥交换算法导致连接失败

### 密钥管理功能 我用ssh-keygen生成了带密码的私钥,转换成pem格式与pri格式都不识别哎,都提示身份认证失败。 是在“身份认证文件”这里添加私钥? 希望能提供一个密钥管理功能(导入、导出、改密、加密) ### 快捷指令(snippet)功能 希望能提供一个快捷指令(snippet)面板及调用功能,可以快速调用预写好的指令,如果指令中能集成一些动态参数就更好了。

Environment: Mac M1 Ventura 13.1 When attempting to log into Home Assistant, the message "Authentication denied, please try again" appears and the program hangs at the password screen for about...

![]( WindTerm作者大佬 请问软件界面UI字体和字体大小怎么设置? 我找了半天都没有找到 设置界面字体的选项。