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A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal.

Results 625 WindTerm issues
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![2022-08-25 14 41 15]( ![2022-08-25 14 43 01](

很早就开始用了,一直使用的是2.2.2版本,这个版本感觉是最流畅的,我这2.2.2之后一直都有一个显示问题,字体和图像总感觉有锯齿状,屏幕滑动拖动起来有延迟感觉。 I started to use it very early. I always use version 2.2.2. This version feels the most fluent. There has been a display problem since 2.2.2. The font and...



unknown characters: ESC]697;EndPromptESC]697;NewCmd system: macos Monterey 12.4 shell: zsh shell plugin manager: zinit prompt: [p10k](

double click to select one and selecting a text with the mouse in terminal mode under linux and under windows (cmd.exe & powershell) does not work. To copy the selected...

hi I'm a WindTerm user, and I'm a little known about Qt Framework. But I'm troubled that how to run this project, Is this the entire code for this project?...

I forgot the master password, thus I can't change it. I wanna reset the master password so I wouldn't enter the password every time when login. Btw, if it's possible...

ESC[0%m 编辑显示多余字符

总提示没有可用的“文件管理器” no filer available 怎么办呀 ![微信截图_20220823145919]( ![微信截图_20220823145639]( ?