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A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal.

Results 625 WindTerm issues
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question: my demand is download 354M file from terminal but when i click download button ,it will crash and download file failed

macos 在全屏模式下 输入 alias 的快捷命令的时候会自动的弹出一个黑框

1. Return to the tunnels per session tab giving the option to open automatically when starting the session. It is interesting to have a separate part for tunnels, but it...

连接后能显示cpu和内存的使用率,最好是每个程序的使用率已经 网卡实时流量视图,跪谢大佬

2.6 pre版本无法连接网络设备 ![image]( 2.5 正常连接 ![image](


mouse stop working on htop when I click the tabs on htop.

WindTerm can not connect to windows for [Windows for OpenSSH]( but I can connect in `cmd` or `powershell` or `git-bash` via command `ssh username@ip`. I have configured **Windows for OpenSSH**...