Hi, I used KronaTools-2.8.1 which was installed locally, not by conda. And I encountered the following error. ``` $ ktClassifyBLAST -p -s blast_result.txt -o test.csv Loading taxonomy... Classifying blast_result.txt... ERROR:...
Hi, I analyzed metagenome data including the SARS-COV2 genome. I tried to browse this data, but SARS-COV2 was expressed as "other Root" by Krona. Is there anything I can do...
It appeared in the result of running ktImportBLAST.
Hi, Now I am installing MUFFIN by conda. Where should GTDB and eggNOG DB be placed?
When I tried to install CONSENT, the following error was output. ``` /usr/include/c++/4.8.2/bits/stl_algo.h:2263:35: error: no match for call to \u2018(getAnchors(robin_hood::unordered_map&, std::string, std::string, unsigned int, unsigned int)::__lambda8) (std::pair&, const std::pair&)\u2019 while...
Hi, I am unable to get the diagram with the following error. The input file used is GBK format. I believe the software has been successfully installed. ``` $ genovi...