Keren Zhou
Keren Zhou
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In most of the IP-based methods, we need to extend reads to the fragment size to get the correct coverage...
@telatin Dear Dr. Telatin, I'm curious about how `bamtocov` deal with paired-end bam from stranded libraries by setting with `--stranded`. Will `bamtocov` automatically treat mated reads as reverse strand? For...
Can intervene be complemented with "bedtools intersect -s "? (that is intersecting peaks by strand)
Hi YuLab members, Are there any ways to run enrichGO() function on MSigDB gene set (like HALLMARK gene set)? Best, Keren
After calling CNVs by ReadDepth (reads mapped to hg38), I tried to get seed intervals by running ``. But I got errors as bellow (run program on a HPC server):...
As in the title, are the coordinates in *_cycles.txt in 1-based format?
Hi Jens, How to interpret results like "Segments=0+,12+,0-"? There is only one segment in this cycle. Best, Keren
Hi Jens, After running AmpliconArchitect, I got results like following: Cycle=66;Copy_count=0.0929550935359;Segments=13+,83-,105+,139-,0-,0+. I don't know how to interpret this result. Could you please do me a favor? Best, Keren
Hi Josie, I'm wondering that whether I can obtain the reads counts for gene by directly mapping reads to sequence from the whole gene locus instead of transcripts (minimap2 -ax...