Kosuke Kataoka
Kosuke Kataoka
I'm just starting with MITObim to get a complete mitochondrial genome from my data. So far, I've gotten the maf file that seems to be successfully generated by using mira...
Thank you for developing great software! For some reasons, I built 4.1.0 by running install.sh on one workstation. I then moved the built directory to another workstation and tried to...
Hi, I am trying to build CUDA-supported racon in my cluster machine equipped with GPU. I tried the following command: ``` $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/lbcb-sci/racon.git racon $ cd racon...
Thank you very much for developing the finder! I have trouble with running example when executing the following command: ``` CUR_DIR=/home/kataoka/kataoka/finder/Finder-finder_v1.1.0/example GM_PATH=/home/kataoka/kataoka/finder/gmes_linux_64 GML_PATH=/home/kataoka/kataoka/finder/gm_key_64 cd $CUR_DIR && \ ../run_finder -no_cleanup \...