pick-and-place-with-icl-ur5-robotiq-gripper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pick-and-place-with-icl-ur5-robotiq-gripper copied to clipboard

This package enables an UR5 arm with a Robotiq 140 Gripper to be used with ros_control and MoveIt!. OpenNI Kinect Camera Plugin used to capture the scene in Gazebo simulation.



  1. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  2. ROS Melodic
  3. MoveIt!
  4. OpenNI Kinect Package (Camera)

Getting Started:

1. Create new catkin workspace:

mkdir -p ur5_robotiq_ws/src

2. Git clone to the ur5_robotiq_ws/src:

cd ur5_robotiq_ws/src

git clone https://github.com/khs-sm/pick-and-place-with-icl-ur5-robotiq-gripper.git

3. Make sure the packages is in the directory as below:

    │   find-object
    │   gazebo-pkgs
    |   general-message-pkgs
    |   ......
    |   README.md

4. Install dependencies using rosdep install and perform catkin_make to build the project:

cd ur5_robotiq_ws or cd ..

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y


source the file before launch

source devel/setup.bash

Gazebo Simulation

1. Launch the UR5 Robotiq Gripper:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_gazebo icl_ur5_gripper.launch

2. Enable ROS Control on Simulation from MoveIt:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_moveit_config ur5_gripper_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true

3. Launch Rviz with MoveIt:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true

4. Test the Simulation:

rosrun scripts test_grasp.py


(OPTIONAL) Launch Object Detection with find_object_2d:

roslaunch find-object start_find_object_3d_session.launch

(OPTIONAL) Apply Object Detection to Motion Planning:

rosrun scripts vision_grasp.py


check on here


  1. universal robot
  2. robotiq
  3. icl_phri_ur5
  4. find_object_2d