Karatuğ Ozan Bircan

Results 149 comments of Karatuğ Ozan Bircan

Restarted `/hps/software/users/parkinso/spot/gwas/prod/scripts/cron/start_harmonisation_pre_standard_slurm_goci1300.sh` JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST 8384004 standard pre_gwas_ssf_harmo gwas_lsf R 0:23 1 hl-codon-05-01

Failed again, need help from @jiyue1214

Looks good to me, thanks @jiyue1214

http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST90132001-GCST90133000/GCST90132314/harmonised/ http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST90132001-GCST90133000/GCST90132315/harmonised/

@Santhi1901 should be fixed now.

Regenerated metadata YAML files and md5sums.txt files; expect them on the public FTP tomorrow.

Updated the Confluence page. - Updated the commands - Updated login method - Updated scrontab - Updated the code how to run scripts Please let me know if it looks...

I added `toglobus` function to bashrc as well but I didn't get the use of it. If you encounter any errors, let me know again please.

Updated all pages in the description, please review @Santhi1901 @earlEBI @eks-ebi

created a service now ticket for curators salloc access. https://embl.service-now.com/esc?id=ticket&table=incident&sys_id=b28db9d91b838610973a646fe54bcbd8