
Results 47 comments of kadogo

Hello sorry for the time. ![screenshot at 21-49-32](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5759396/23106411/6c976ae2-f6ed-11e6-8110-9815d93628f5.png) I try to click next the blank line. I try with another script and work well. I don't see any informations in...

I tried it only on 2 videos. The two come from different DVD and are make with makemkv if it can help.

Hello @ncw It is a little old, but I'm reading about the issues related to mega when I found this one. It would not be a good use about an...

Hello Maybe it could go to another issue but it's also a bit related to computer that have multiple GPU. In my case I have an intel GPU and a...

Same issue for touch.facebook.com/messages in case it can help

Not really sure but I tried what the OP of the other ticket suggested. I took a UA from Moto G that use for "Facebook App 294" and Chrome 86...

I tried the test version of Frost-For-Facebook and it's working. It use messenger.com if I understand. Maybe it just need few adaptation here because there is already an access to...

Hello, I just download the last version from zeldaclassic.com to be sure and I have the same problem.

Hello, I repost to say that I have try some solution with alsa-oss but the problem is always the same. If I run ZC 2.5.2 with wine it's working without...

@marcxjo Sorry it took me long time to try ZC again. I just download the latest stable version and setting vsync = 1 in ag.conf not really help for me....