
Results 16 issues of kadogo

Hello, If I try to choose a corner precisely, when I move my mouse I see that it take the point far from where I click. If it's normal, it...


Hello, My system is Debian Buster I wanted to use SteamVR as input so I first tried to follow the wiki (https://github.com/opentrack/opentrack/wiki/Building-on-linux). The build went without any issue but when...


**Addon used** - [X] Amazon VOD (plugin.video.amazon-test) - [ ] Browser Launcher (plugin.program.browser.launcher) - Addon version: 0.9.4+matrix.1 **Account type** - [X] primevideo.com - [ ] amazon.(com/co.uk/de/jp) **System Setup (please provide...

Hello everyone, My OS is Debian Jessie x64 with Pulseaudio. In case it's important, I use an usb audio device. When I launch the game and look in pavucontrol, it...


Hello, I'm trying to build vkBasalt on Debian Buster. At first I build GCC9 so I avoid the pinpoint issue and it looks like that work because at end gcc...

Hello I get that error after about 1h with 10 threads. I do openlap (jndi) -> fusiondirectory (api). I cannot reproduce the error if I use the shell ldap wrapper...


Hello I notice that the password "1aDhgtryjhddç" doesn't work in AD when synchronized with LSC. lsc.xml ``` # grep 'getUnicode' lsc.xml AD.getUnicodePwd("1aDhgtryjhddç") ``` lsc.ldif ``` # grep unicode lsc.ldif replace:...


Hello, I use Debian Stretch and I find out a bug when I concat many pictures together. ``` libpng: 1.6.28-1 feh: 2.18-2 ``` ![tnew](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5759396/46617499-2d578280-cb1d-11e8-9ea1-cf6a49828d8e.png) I have this message if I...

It's not very beautiful but it work for me. I add a new attribute groupSearchUser (role for users). I assign this to groupsearch and do a groupsearch in the authenticate...

Hi, Add "is_admin" option in ldapauth so we can use ldap roles / group to design who is an administator or an simple user. Thanks.