Jan Wiemer
Jan Wiemer
The draw_traces opens the plotly plot in a browser and returns the fig, ``` if _in_ipynb(): from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot as plot init_notebook_mode() plot(fig, filename=filename) else: from plotly.offline import...
* [ ] Add conductor diameter and conductor-core diameter to pandapower/std_types.py * [ ] add explanation to std-types in docu
The new feature to create weighted plots which respect the generation "doesn't work" when you plot on a map and transform the geocoords in `simple_plotly()`. The `create_weighted_marker_trace ` doesnt consider...
### Feature Checklist * [X] Searched the [issues page](https://github.com/e2nIEE/pandapower/issues) for similar feature requests * [X] Read the relevant sections of the [documentation](https://pandapower.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about.html) * [X] Browse the repository, [tutorials](https://github.com/e2nIEE/pandapower/tree/develop/tutorials) and [tests](https://github.com/e2nIEE/pandapower/tree/develop/pandapower/test)...
At the moment the orientation of assets in the pandapower plotting module `simple_plot` is hard coded to 0. We should enhance the plotting experience and make it adjustable. We could...
add tests for negative `net.trafo.tap_step_percent` and rethink the correct behaviour of continiuous trafo control
Is it possible to customize the hoverinfo of boxplots? Instead of showing the x-axis value infront of q1, q3, mean, etc..I want to change the value for the 'x-axis on...