Jan Wiemer
Jan Wiemer
So as I see it now, it would be the best to remove bus_geodata and line_geodata and introduce geojson ( 1. value is longitude, 2. value is latitude) as the...
We could just return the figure and let the user decide what to do with it, maybe that's the best solution?
I got the same problem, Jesus help us :( * Spyder version: 5.1.5 None * Python version: 3.8.12 64-bit * Qt version: 5.12.9 * PyQt5 version: 5.12.3 * Operating System:...
Yeah, I have miniconda installed and spyder in the base environment, in my other environments I installed the spypder-kernels, like it is recommended for environment use. I consider moving to...
I uninstalled spyder kernels from my environment and installed complete new spyder with "conda install spyder". I use miniconda so conda equals conda-forge here. Now the variable explorer works again...
I don't even have pandas in my base environment, is that important that you have certain packages in your base environment where spyder is installed? However I solved the problem...
@Chentir-MT Did you try to create a new anaconda env with `conda create -n py39 python=3.10` for example and then installing spyder in it with `conda install spyder`? After that...
Hey, maybe this helps: https://plotly.com/python/renderers/
@hzraja you can assign yourself to this issue
Hey @l3s8g, can you give an update on this PR? Greetz