
Results 148 comments of jwaldmann

Re: are we sure that derived Eq is never used I commented out the `deriving (Eq, Ord)` clause, this creates an error in `defragParts` because of ``` src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:586:57: error: •...

Yes. Put on the iron Shirt, and chase Strings out of Earth. I was looking into Haskell profiling (and visualising the profile) recently. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-prof-flamegraph makes nice pictures. What is the...

> it doesn't seem to tell us very much, perhaps because we need more benchmark cases? Yes that's my impression too. At the top of the profile, there's `compressArc` but...

Is there an API function that does what `{ p_1, .. , p_n }` is doing in the parser? Probably not, because `p_i` is not `Pattern a` but `TPat a`...

I think the "wrap euclid in [ ]" is fine. It's happening uniformly (inside any kind of parentheses)? E.g., ``` "*2" :: Pattern Int "*2" :: Pattern Int (0>1/16)|0 (3/16>¼)|0...

I am looking into this (as a way of refreshing my knowledge of Tidal's code...) NB: https://github.com/NorfairKing/haskell-dangerous-functions/issues/18

With this "dangerous function" hlint.yaml, I get this report on Tidal's current main branch: https://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/etc/Tidal/ This reports all warnings (including those from hlint's default settings) I guess that "dangerous functions"...

I made this https://github.com/jwaldmann/tidal-fuzz-test/blob/master/Fix.hs for profiling. Results: runtime as a function of the depth of the stack: seems exponential (with base 2, in fact) for one execution, distribution of runtime...

I don't see how to write a linear implementation of ``` partitionValues :: (a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> (Pattern a, Pattern a) partitionValues f p = ( something...

somewhat related - Is there a non-recursive "?" operator? When I first saw it, I thought "p?" meant that "p" happens *as a whole* (with all events) or not (none).