> the addition of modify to the typeclasses when was that? (what versions should I use for testing)
use smallcheck instead?
also, https://github.com/gtk2hs/svgcairo/issues/14 ?
But the work-around cannot be applied in a concurrent setting (several muevals forkIO'ed) since the "current directory" is a property of the OS process, of which there's only one?
Yes I am taking that route now (evaluation in a separate process inside chroot). Your warnings are entierly understood, although it's mitigated somewhat since I am running code only after...
Not sure. An optional name after the "IH"? (So it rhymes with lemma and axiom). * We want the user (the student) to be specific (no "by auto", but always...
Feel free to pull/cherry-pick/whatever. I will certainly make more examples, but I might want to hide their full proofs from my students ...
Checked. Cyp does type inference anyway?
Ah, I see.
Sure. I was not implying that you should to it. Also, we don't need full Haskell typing here, plain Hindley-Milner will do.