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Euclidean mininotation in curly braces

Open crashingbooth opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

These two patterns should produce the same results:

drawLine "{x ~ ~ x ~ ~ x ~, y ~ ~ }"
drawLine "{x(3,8), y ~ ~}"

but the second line unexpectedly produces:

|x  x  x |x  x  x |x  x  x |x  x  x |x  x  x |x  x  x |x  x  x |x  x  x 
|y-------                |y-------                |y------- 

crashingbooth avatar Jun 02 '20 10:06 crashingbooth

Is there an API function that does what { p_1, .. , p_n } is doing in the parser?

Probably not, because p_i is not Pattern a but TPat a which has extra size information? This info differs (8 vs. 1):

:set -XPartialTypeSignatures

Right (TPat_Seq [TPat_Polyrhythm Nothing qs]) = parseTPat "{x ~ ~ x ~ ~ x ~, y ~ ~ }" :: Either _ (TPat String)

map resolve_tpat qs

[(8 % 1,(0>⅛)|"x"
(¾>⅞)|"x"),(3 % 1,(0>⅓)|"y")]

Right (TPat_Seq [TPat_Polyrhythm Nothing ps]) = parseTPat "{x(3,8), y ~ ~}" :: Either _ (TPat String)

map resolve_tpat ps

[(1 % 1,(0>⅛)|"x"
(¾>⅞)|"x"),(3 % 1,(0>⅓)|"y")]

Then the resulting semantics also differs, since

toPat (TPat_Polyrhythm mSteprate ps) = stack $ map adjust_speed pats
     where adjust_speed (sz, pat) = fast ((/sz) <$> steprate) pat
           pats = map resolve_tpat ps

jwaldmann avatar Jun 02 '20 10:06 jwaldmann

This is because "{x(3,8), y ~ ~}" is expanded to "{[x ~ ~ x ~ ~ x ~], y ~ ~}". The Euclidean stuff gets wrapped in an implicit []. Whether that's desired or not I dunno...

bgold-cosmos avatar Jun 02 '20 12:06 bgold-cosmos

Ah that makes sense @bgold-cosmos, but doesn't correspond to the output of drawLine. I suspect that is a separate bug in drawLine, though - the lower line seems to be missing some |'s.

yaxu avatar Jun 02 '20 13:06 yaxu

I'd say sometimes you want to treat x(3,8) as eight steps, and sometimes as one. You could express the latter case as [x(3,8)]. 'fixing' this would count as a breaking change.

yaxu avatar Jun 02 '20 13:06 yaxu

I think the "wrap euclid in [ ]" is fine. It's happening uniformly (inside any kind of parentheses)? E.g.,

"<0(3,8) 1>*2" :: Pattern Int
"<[0(3,8)] 1>*2" :: Pattern Int

I would probably find it more confusing if the semantics of 0(3,8) would depend on the context. I mean, it's fine that (bending notation somewhat) let p = 0(3,8) in <p 1>*2 is equivalent to < 0(3,8) 1>*2.

jwaldmann avatar Jun 02 '20 13:06 jwaldmann