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Fix + sometimesBy performance issues

Open msp opened this issue 5 years ago • 5 comments

Describe the bug

I'm seeing CPU spikes, seems to be a combination of sometimesBy and fix. I can chew more CPU (up to 100% in this case) by gradually uncommenting the fix lines. It drops down about 50% by removing the sometimesBy and is negligible without either.

To Reproduce

  do -- fix-perf-bug -----------------------------------------------------------
    p "fix-perf-bug"
    $ spin 8
    $ sometimesBy 0.15 (# n 0)
    -- $ fix (# gain 0.9) (s "foo")
    -- $ fix (# gain 0.4) (s "bar")
    -- $ fix (# gain 0.6) (s "baz")
    -- $ fix (# djf 0.02) (s "bing")
    -- $ fix (|+ sustain 0.5) (s "qux")
    -- $ fix (# speed 0.65) (s "gabba")
    $ sound "[bd]*4"

Expected behavior

Can apply fix without big CPU overhead.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS X 10.13.6 running on MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.0.2
  • Tidal version: master at 6c25387d6ba088258c6ae2fe0079936395ff8f8d
  • SuperCollider version: 3.9.3, SuperDirt: develop at ccbeb4420f9fe953793301077c682be448857961

msp avatar Nov 05 '19 12:11 msp

I made this https://github.com/jwaldmann/tidal-fuzz-test/blob/master/Fix.hs for profiling. Results:

runtime as a function of the depth of the stack: seems exponential (with base 2, in fact)

for one execution, distribution of runtime by function:

COST CENTRE             MODULE              SRC                                           %time %alloc

sam                     Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:28:1-43             13.6   15.9
_fast                   Sound.Tidal.Core    src/Sound/Tidal/Core.hs:(284,1)-(286,68)        7.8    3.3
withResultTime.\        Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:706:49-63            6.5    1.4
cyclesInArc             Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:(108,1)-(111,40)     6.1    6.8
cat.f                   Sound.Tidal.Core    src/Sound/Tidal/Core.hs:(203,9)-(207,75)        6.1    3.8
sect                    Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:70:1-54              4.7    1.1
nextSam                 Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:36:1-20              4.3    0.9
matchManyToOne.q.match  Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:(857,13)-(859,55)    3.3    6.2
fmap                    Sound.Tidal.Pattern src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs:359:3-48             3.3    6.0

Also, in the absolute execution counts of individual functions, numbers 32768, 65536, 524288, 1048576 appear frequently. That's exactly powers of two!

In the source, we have

fix f = contrast f id
contrast = contrastBy (==)
contrastBy comp f f' p p' = overlay (f matched) (f' unmatched)
  where matches = matchManyToOne (flip $ Map.isSubmapOfBy comp) p p'
        matched :: ControlPattern
        matched = filterJust $ (\(t, a) -> if t then Just a else Nothing) <$> matches
        unmatched :: ControlPattern
        unmatched = filterJust $ (\(t, a) -> if not t then Just a else Nothing) <$> matches

and this uses matches twice. See my remark on (non)linearity in #636.

jwaldmann avatar Apr 23 '20 15:04 jwaldmann

@jwaldmann Aha, so using partition rather than filter should help

yaxu avatar Apr 25 '20 17:04 yaxu

I don't see how to write a linear implementation of

partitionValues :: (a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> (Pattern a, Pattern a)
partitionValues f p = ( something of p, someotherthing of p ) -- copies p

With a (hypothetical) manifest representation of patterns as set-of-events, each element of that set could be treated linearly (it goes to the left or to the right), but we don't have this?

jwaldmann avatar Apr 27 '20 10:04 jwaldmann

Is the issue basically that GHC isn't able to compose something like f $ g $ h $ pat into (f . g . h) pat where the latter has a single pattern "query"?

Would a (not great) workaround be a function like manySometimesBy [0.5, 0.8, 0.6] [f, g, h] pat where the explicit implementation would avoid the exponential lookup problem?

bgold-cosmos avatar Apr 27 '20 15:04 bgold-cosmos

I don't think so for sometimesBy (haven't looked closely at fix)... in the case of sometimesBy I think it's that the way the function works is to roll the dice for each event in two patterns (the original pattern and the transformed pattern). Right now the implementation is rolling the dice twice (to get the same answer) when both patterns have an event that starts at the same time. I think there will always be worst cases where the original pattern and the transformed pattern don't line up in time - but right now every case has performance like the worst case. Perhaps it is also forcing more of the events than necessary when they are "cancelled" (ie. ultimately not occurring because of random choice) - not sure...

dktr0 avatar Apr 27 '20 15:04 dktr0