Justin Salamon

Results 132 comments of Justin Salamon

OK, but if we're using the same function we probably want to rename it to something more broadly applicable, I think `_ensure_satisfiable_time_tuple` could work? Then we'd update the code here:...

per offline discussion with @pseeth I'll address this one.

Thanks for the suggestion @lostanlen, this looks like a good option for simulating Poisson and Hawkes processes (for example) for the purpose of distributing sound events in time.

To start things off I'd like to first figure out what a high-level generator API should look like, starting with desired functionality and features. To illustrate, right now events have...

Thanks @lostanlen, I think there are several great points in there. For now I'd like to separate API design proposals from feature/functionality proposals, with the goal of first identifying the...

Thanks @lostanlen, this is great. Let's wait to see if anyone else chimes in, and subsequently move the discussion forward.

> Could the sampling of the audio scenes be driven by the distribution of the accepted scenes so far, with a bit of randomness thrown in there to make it...

Thanks @bmcfee for the great summary. Regarding the caveats you mention: 1. I think a solution could be (as noted above) to set an `n_attempts` parameter and halt if it...

@pseeth Regarding the temporal coherence issue, it would be easy to implement as a constraint but almost impossible to achieve via rejection sampling :) I guess it would be easy...