Justin McCandless

Results 27 issues of Justin McCandless

I used fastClick on the overlay of a modal, so that clicking the background area caused the modal to close. This caused all anchor tags inside the modal to become...

I had an instance where our "waiting for customer response" label was added to an issue, and before the issue creator responded, I fixed and manually closed the issue. After...

Would it make sense to add the link to the website (https://flutter.github.io/samples/) to the About section @domesticmouse? Usually I look for links like that there and was surprised to not...

When using a composing IME, composing text should not be counted as a part of the undo/redo stack. | Before (from issue) | After | | --- | --- |...

a: text input

In the framework (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/104128), the scribble feature is being moved out of TextInputClient and into its own class. This PR updates the naming of the platform channel methods to match...

needs tests

This a sample meant to demonstrate custom context menus and the various ways they can be used. This means the unified ability to customize the text selection toolbar in text...

This issue is mainly directed at @domesticmouse, who brought this up to me when I was rehearsing my Flutter Vikings talk. GitHub repo: https://github.com/justinmc/flutter_shortcut_intent_action_talk Live demo: https://justinmc.github.io/flutter_shortcut_intent_action_talk/#/ I made an...

I'd like to use this package to create an archive of my own package that is installable by npm ([the docs explain that npm can install from a gzipped tarball](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install))....

iOS 14 introduced a system notification when an app pasted from the pasteboard as a security feature. In iOS 15, Apple is introducing "secure paste", which seems like it will...
