Romāns Potašovs

Results 42 issues of Romāns Potašovs

Add the ability to create custom CSS file extensions - useful when you want to split CSS main definition from class-names or use it with css-modules

now there is only `spin`, `wave`, and `zigzag`, but if you would like to make some more advanced games, add physics, animations, particles, you need to know `delta` from previous...

`KeyboardEvent.key` is good for somewhere where you need to type, and `a` is not same as `A`, but for something interactive - as games / visual interactive applications - better...

```elm import NarrativeEngine.Syntax.EntityParser as EntityParser example : EntityParser.ParsedWorldModel {} example = EntityParser.parseMany (\_ a -> a) [ entity "" , entity "INVENTORY.t_container" , entity "TORCH.item.illumination=7.current_location=PLAYER" , entity "CAVE.location.dark" ] entity...

```elm -- Worker.elm module Worker exposing (main) main : Program () () msg main = Platform.worker { init = \flags ->( (), Cmd.none ) , update = \msg model ->...

Now we can embed tilesets into map, but would be nice get possibility embed images (tilesets, image-ayer .. ) to have single file for whole map. Reason: Now im working...

Add more modern ui for Oxygen, update it version, and add build job to publish it online after each successful commit - line in [Demo](

It would be nice to extend functionality of main makefile, to make onboarding much easier, by adding few commands (i could create also PR, for some part of that): 1....