I am using Minimap2 to map two Arabidopsis assemblies. However, I found that the same chromosome pair (chr5) aligned differently when I align the Ragtag outputs directly (including unscaffolded contigs)...
I am currently using minimap2 (v2.24) with the default alignment settings for aligning scaffolds, contigs, and Hifi reads. However, I have come across a peculiar observation. While aligning contigs, instead...
Hi, Yoshinori. First thanks for developing this nice tool. You explained that the second column of 'longqc_sdust.txt' table is 'the number of bases masked (MDUST)'. I am wondering how you...
Hi Mitchell, I've been using StainedGlass on my sequences, but I've encountered an issue where the job ends quickly without producing any expected results. Upon investigation, I discovered that the...
Dear Alexander, Thank you very much for developing such a nice tool. I am using it to visualize the centromere repeats and it works very for most of the sequence....