Results 103 issues of juj

When looking at a function call, like in ![10kcubes_2]( the right hand side reads ``` command Arguments 0: 0 1: 3 2: 5126 3: 0 4: 24 5: 12 ```...

help wanted

If an input file name contains non-7bit-ASCII characters in it, Closure fails to operate. STR: 1. Install Closure compiler to directory "☃äö Ć € 🦠". (not mandatory, but for good...

help wanted

Over at the Emscripten repository, we found a situation where we would like to instruct Closure not to minify any JS symbols that contain the substring `__asyncjs__` in them. Or...

Consider A: ```js function foo(timeStamp) { console.log(timeStamp); } function emscripten_request_animation_frame_loop(cb) { function tick(timeStamp) { cb(timeStamp); requestAnimationFrame(tick); } requestAnimationFrame(tick); } emscripten_request_animation_frame_loop(foo); ``` this minifies down to 1: ```js (function(a){function b(c){a(c);requestAnimationFrame(b)}requestAnimationFrame(b)})(function(a){console.log(a)}); ```...


Heya, I was wondering what the current state of the project is? Looks like there haven't been recent updates in a few months - perhaps this is on a lower...

It seems that engines using Box2D have a structure where they loop through bodies after each simulation step to propagate the updated simulation positions back to the engine renderer, scene...


Is it possible to use this compressor while adhering to CSP unsafe-eval policies? (i.e. avoid the use of eval(), new Function() etc.)

In several scenarios, after having issued a `Atomics.waitAsync(...).value.then((value) => { /* do something */ });` operation, it can happen that some kind of resource/application/page deinitialization type of activity occurs, which...

In multithreaded applications, there is the `.wait()` primitive that allows one to synchronously wait on Worker threads. Main thread is disallowed from `.wait()`ing, since that is a blocking operation. The...

Writing some unit tests for Emscripten, I today realize that Firefox and Chrome behavior differ when one issues a `memory.atomic.wait32` on the main thread. If one issues e.g. ```wast (drop...