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Workflow to export full scene from Unity editor to .glb?

Open juj opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments


I was wondering what the current state of the project is? Looks like there haven't been recent updates in a few months - perhaps this is on a lower burn atm, or?

What I was looking for is an editor tool that would enable the following workflow in latest Unity:

  1. Import UnityGLTFExporter.unitypackage to an existing Unity project
  2. A new Edit->Export to GLTF... option would appear
  3. Choosing that option would serialize the selected object(s)/whole scene to a given .glb file?

Is this kind of workflow available and I missed it? It looks like there should exist a C# API to do that, though I was not quite able to find the documentation to how to add such an Editor tool to it?

How complete is the export-scene-to-gltf support state at btw? I was eyeballing the "road to 1.0" document that seemed to be outlining pending work , but then noticed in Releases page that the version numbeirng is already going beyond 1.0 at version 1.0.1, so not sure how much of the roadmap is still accurate?

juj avatar Apr 24 '20 12:04 juj

Just use the editor widget: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/UnityGLTF/blob/bb85e9a38937b87d0ce8efaac00ba479ae706319/UnityGLTF/Assets/UnityGLTF/Editor/Scripts/GLTFExportMenu.cs

Skylion007 avatar Sep 17 '20 18:09 Skylion007

Please update to the latest version and open a new issue if the problem persists. Thanks!

pfcDorn avatar Feb 09 '24 08:02 pfcDorn