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Show function argument names on the right hand side?

Open juj opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

When looking at a function call, like in


the right hand side reads

command Arguments

    0: 0
    1: 3
    2: 5126
    3: 0
    4: 24
    5: 12

It would be great if that read

command Arguments

    index: 0
    size: 3
    type: 5126
    normalized: 0
    stride: 24
    offset: 12

since it's easy to forget which parameter means what, so the second form would show that clearly (btw, the links to the spec in the API call is a great idea!)

juj avatar Aug 10 '17 08:08 juj

This would imply referencing all the functions with their signature in the tool. I agree it would be nice but not sure I will have time. It would be great if you could create a simple class using .d.ts file as the reference which could help adding this information.

I would then integrate it with pleasure.

sebavan avatar Aug 10 '17 21:08 sebavan

FYI, before someone try to do it "manually" docs.gl has a tool to extract those, maybe modifying the outpout to some usable json could make it automated: https://github.com/BSVino/docs.gl#how-to-build-it

Kuranes avatar Oct 31 '17 06:10 Kuranes