Results 252 comments of juj

Glad the driver works out for you! Unfortunately I am not familiar with the vc4-kms-v3d driver. Googling around, it looks like popcornmix commented in that vc4-kms-v3d does not support...

Testing on Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspbian Buster, with /boot/config.txt ``` dtparam=audio=on [pi4] # Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d max_framebuffers=2 [all] hdmi_group=2...

Thanks for the contribution - it looks like this PR duplicates the full set of ILI9341 support, where the only relevant change is to add inverted colors, i.e. at a...

The code is very Pi specific so my guess is that it will not work, unless that SBC is a hardware compatible Pi clone.

Different CPU = different SoC, which means DMA and SPI peripheral accesses need to be rewritten. Looks like it has a PowerVR GPU and not a VideoCore one, so VC...

Running on actual ARM64 OS / the CPU/process running in 64-bit mode is actually a very different beast compared to the current 32-bit support. I am not familiar with how...

Fbcp-ili9341 directly interacts with the BCM2835 hardware to access the SPI0, DMA and TIMER peripherals provided by the SoC. It also talks directly to the VideoCore 4 MailBox API in...

> I'm wondering if you would be interested in some sort of collaboration on this? Yeah, certainly, whatever coordination we can find, definitely open for it! > I don't know...

> Without AVX, I guess FMA will be limited to the 128-bit functions? What about [the 128-bit AVX-512 functions]( (AVX-512VL and later extensions)? 256-bit and 512-bit wide instructions are out...

To my knowledge there should not be any change in the CI config.. I am using the identical VM image to build as before. I observed this change when updating...