Results 252 comments of juj

Sure, it's possible to have CMake target .js or .html output files. See the CMake tests in Emscripten tests/ directory. Note that it is not a project-specific property, but Emscripten...

Yes, or set it to build to two different directories, so they can each have their own cache files and directory structures.

No, there's no need to move anything. CMake is not restricted to making builds to the root directory of the project, but good CMake practices employ what they call "out-of-source"...

Oh, I see we had this change: which breaks it.

I was building BananaBread for Emscripten using these instructions:

You can install crunch via Emscripten SDK on OSX (type `./emsdk install crunch-1.04`). I hacked together a build from the patches that were provided in that issue, and packaged the...

> 2\. Connect both displays to SPI0 but on different CS lines and control the two displays that way. > 1. by sending different subsets of the framebuffer That would...

> * both displays get initialized, I supposed by looping through the display init sections and maybe including another argument into all the SPI task functions (e.g. in spi.h) the...

Solid work! Unfortunately it looks like there is a licensing conflict that will prevent from merging this code in :( Part of the code in this PR is licensed under...

Sorry, missed this issue. Not sure what the display controller is, but if it looks identical to KeDei, then that might be it. Were you able to get this to...