Results 252 comments of juj

Thanks for the PR, much appreciated. I'll keep this around for a bit before landing, until I find a spot to be able to test this against the KeDei display...

Very impressive work! Unfortunately due to logistics reasons I don't currently have access to any of my Pis to test. Saw you comment on the other issue thread, I hope...

> I'm trying to find the the spot where the program sleeps .. you'd think it is not that hard but I'm really having an issue with it. > there...

Neat work on this one! I hope people find it useful. There is unfortunately trouble to merge this, because the code has an incompatible LGPL license ( Absolutely great to...

Thanks for the report, good to hear that Elecrow works as well. Presumably it is a ILI9486 and not a ILI9486L? Unfortunately I do not have current plans to add...

Good research there, thanks for posting your findings. > What might be possible is you were to to allow for the spi0 and ads7846 overlay to be loaded whilst fbcp-ili...

There are unfortunately no tricks or shortcuts that I know of. The issue cannot be avoided by remapping device files, but the challenge resides in physical communication out from the...

This is cool to hear. If you have the stamina and will to try to get the feature filled in, it would be of great use for many others who...

Hmm, I wonder if the display really needs a pixel update command to process a touch cycle, or if any SPI command is enough? The SPI command 0x00 is a...

Thanks for the contribution. It is odd that toggling `MADCTL_BGR_PIXEL_ORDER` did not invert BGR, because like the spec says, it is treated as an XOR of the bit value. Then...