
Results 143 comments of jtenner

``` javascript //3 variable references, 3 objects created, 4 function calls vec2.add = function(out, a, b) { SIMD.Float32x4.store(out, 0, SIMD.Float32x4.add( SIMD.Float32x4.load(a, 0), SIMD.Float32x4.load(b, 0) ) ); return out; }; //vs...

Things that I understand now: 1. `SIMD.Float32x4(1,2,3,4) === SIMD.Float32x4(1,2,3,4)` returns false because even though the data is immutable, it creates 2 different objects in the process. I can't compare vectors...

I have come up with exactly one unreasonable recommendation to remedy the memory usage. Converting the property data types on the Shapes/Bodies to SIMD data types would be nearly 4x...

> Do you really think that the SIMD objects add to GC? Absolutely. I did some performance testing on 100 matrix math operations per frame to see Memory usage shoot...

I also think the reason why your JSPerf was so fast was because it wasn't taking GC into account. CPU usage for SIMD objects is fast, at the cost of...

There is already a project that combines these two technologies specifically. Located at [phaser.io](https://phaser.io/). This should solve your use case. Cheers, -Josh

I appreciate this work! I have no idea if @schteppe plans on supporting p2.js any more. It's difficult work and this project has been pretty silent for the path few...

I've been using p2 inside a Web worker feeding a browser deltas. Reducing frame times is always no easy task

@schteppe I agree with your sentiment. Web workers being async is tough. This shouldn't fall under your responsibility because your code runs perfectly inside a webworker already. # Putting p2...