
Results 143 comments of jtenner

Hey guys. Can we at least support the async await syntax? Now that visitor-as has some great support for generating ast nodes, it might be fun to start transforming that...

In order to store an extern ref, don't we require a Table set? We can't store externrefs on the heap as far as I can remember.

```wat (func $builtins/arglength1 (param $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer i32.const 4 i32.sub global.set $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer call $~stack_check global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer i32.const 0 i32.store + global.get $~argumentsLength +...

Of course, it adds a function like this: ```wat + (func $~lib/builtins/arguments.get:length (result i32) + (local $0 i32) + global.get $~argumentsLength + local.set $0 + local.get $0 + ) ```...

I remember a couple more files that needed to be added on top of it. I will get around to listing them in a bit.

I will try it when I get home later. As I stated before, I think there are a few more includes that break it.

``` C:\Users\jtenner\Desktop\Node-Webkit\curryJS>npm install pcap -g npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/pcap npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/pcap npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/socketwatcher npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/socketwatcher > [email protected] install C:\Users\jtenner\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ pcap\node_modules\socketwatcher > node-gyp rebuild C:\Users\jtenner\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pcap\node_modules\socketwatche...

That was the output for a global install for later reference. I'll do a git pull from the windows7 branch to test the install.

``` ..\pcap_session.cc(4): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pcap/pcap. h': No such file or directory [C:\Users\jtenner\Desktop\Node-Webkit\Test_Pcap\n ode_modules\pcap\build\pcap_binding.vcxproj] c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xlocale(323): wa rning C4530: C++ exception handler...